Reflection : Topic 5

I stumbled upon the above video where well known author Neil Gaiman talks about his changed views on piracy, copyright and the web. I found it refreshing as most book publishers and authors would see giving away free books on the web, would mean a net loss in sales. In fact those who have tried it often find the opposite to be the case. Many times free digital books actually boost sales of print copies. In addition to that, using book giveaways foster deeper, long-lasting relationships with followers, readers and customers. By asking for email addresses in exchange for free ebook downloads, authors are able to maintain an ongoing dialogue and that allows them to frame themselves as a real, engaging and memorable human in the eyes of their readers.

like+1 to free content on the web!

After reading what my fellow peers have been sharing on open access and education, i believe the advantages of it out weighs the cons. It is also great to know that The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are behind it as well by allowing unrestricted access and reuse of all  peer-reviewed published research funded by their foundation. With such influential people expressing their agreement in open access to educational content for all, it marks a huge step forward for the advocation of open access.

 likeAnother +1 to free content on the web!


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